Waller ISD Waller High School Additions and Renovations

Waller, Texas

Additional Info:

  • Location: Waller, Texas
  • Completed: 12/31/2005
  • Square Feet: 230,000
  • Owner: Waller Independent School District
  • Architect: SHW Group

In Waller, Texas, a transformative project brought to life the dreams of many. The Waller High School, well-regarded in the community, underwent a substantial metamorphosis in 2005. The reason was clear: a burgeoning student population beckoned for expanded, state-of-the-art facilities.

Occupying a massive 230,000 square feet, the expansion project was nothing short of monumental. Five distinct new buildings rose from the grounds of the existing school, each echoing the ethos of modern education while offering specialized functionalities.

The Academic Building serves as the heart of the educational endeavors, equipped with technologically advanced classrooms that cater to the diverse learning needs of the student body. For those inclined towards the arts, the Fine Art Building offers a sanctuary, where creativity is fostered and talents are honed to perfection.

Equally awe-inspiring is the state-of-the-art Auditorium, where the community comes together for cultural events, performances, and assemblies. The acoustic brilliance and seating design ensure an immersive experience for every audience member.

Sports and physical education haven’t been left behind. The expansion included enhanced Gymnasium Additions and brand-new Athletic Facilities that cater to a wide array of sporting disciplines, underlining the school’s commitment to holistic development.

However, the metamorphosis wasn’t limited to the new additions. A sprawling 65,000 square feet of the existing structure was meticulously remodeled, ensuring a seamless blend of the old and new.

Selected through a competitive sealed proposal, the expansion’s architectural brilliance was the brainchild of the renowned SHW Group, meeting the challenges of a large-scale project with elegance and efficiency.

The revamped Waller High School now stands as a testament to a community’s dedication to education, ensuring that each student, no matter their numbers, receives the best that modern schooling has to offer.

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