Waller ISD Turlington Elementary School

Hockley, Texas

Additional Info:

  • Location: Hockley, Texas
  • Completed: 8/15/2009
  • Square Feet: 98,000
  • Owner: Waller Independent School District
  • Architect: SHW Group, Inc.

In the scenic landscapes of Hockley, Texas, Turlington Elementary School stands as a modern epitome of educational innovation and architectural excellence. Spanning a sprawling 98,000 square feet, this newly constructed establishment beckons with its state-of-the-art facilities and sophisticated design elements.

The school, meticulously designed to cater to a holistic educational experience, boasts a plethora of classrooms optimized for interactive learning. It’s not just about the basics though, as Turlington goes above and beyond. A multi-functional gym invites students to engage in physical activities, while the cafetorium—blending the elements of a cafeteria and an auditorium—provides a space for both dining and cultural events. A modern kitchen ensures nutritious meals are always at hand.

Furthermore, the school underscores its commitment to the arts and health. A dedicated music room resonates with the melodies of budding talents, and a nurse’s station stands ready to ensure the well-being of every child.

However, the pièce de résistance of Turlington Elementary is undeniably its library. A two-story open structure, it captivates with its majestic vaulted ceilings, crowned by a clerestory. This architectural marvel, drenched in natural light, offers students an inspiring environment to dive into the world of books and knowledge.

Crafted by the esteemed SHW Group, Inc., Turlington Elementary School is not just a place of learning—it’s a symbol of the community’s dedication to fostering the next generation in an environment that blends tradition with modernity.

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