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Lexus Dealership

Henderson, Nevada

Additional Info:

  • Location: Henderson, Nevada
  • Completed: 9/20/2010
  • Square Feet: 77,000
  • Owner: Transwestern
  • Architect: Youngblood Architecture

In the vibrant city of Henderson, Nevada, stands a pioneering automotive establishment that effortlessly blends state-of-the-art facilities with an unwavering commitment to sustainability. Completed in September 2010 and conceptualized by the distinguished Youngblood Architecture, this 77,000-square-foot dealership, owned by Transwestern, boasts a comprehensive suite of amenities. From a dedicated sales floor that showcases a diverse range of vehicles in their optimal glory to an integrated make-ready/car wash zone ensuring vehicles are primed to perfection, every aspect of the dealership caters to the discerning motor enthusiast. Furthermore, its service shop is a testament to technical prowess, promising unparalleled maintenance services. Notably, this establishment has achieved the prestigious Gold LEED certification, underscoring its dedication to environmentally conscious operations and sustainable architectural practices. A beacon of modernity, this dealership sets the gold standard, both in terms of automotive excellence and eco-responsibility.

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