Huffman ISD Hargrave High School

Houston, Texas

Additional Info:

  • Location: Huffman, Texas
  • Completed: 7/31/2005
  • Square Feet: 190,000
  • Owner: Huffman Independent School District
  • Architect: PBK Architects

Huffman’s landscape has been graced with a modern educational edifice – Hargrave High School. A sprawling two-building, two-story facility, this school redefines what comprehensive educational infrastructure looks like in the 21st century.

Project Highlights:

  • Dual-Building Design: This unique architectural choice allows for a spatial separation of different academic and extracurricular activities, facilitating smoother operations and more dedicated spaces.
  • Versatile Learning Spaces: Beyond the traditional classrooms, Hargrave High School boasts specialized spaces for a myriad of activities. The Jr. ROTC, Agriculture, and Metal Shop rooms stand as testament to the school’s commitment to varied skill-based education.
  • Sports and Physical Education: Complete with a modern gymnasium and expansive sports fields, the school encourages its students to pursue both academic and athletic excellence.
  • Centers of Community and Learning: The spacious cafeteria and state-of-the-art library serve as hubs of student activity, fostering community, collaboration, and continuous learning.
  • Specialized Facilities: The school hasn’t shied away from investing in niche areas. A dedicated kitchen ensures fresh meals for the students, while the science rooms provide the perfect setting for budding scientists.

The new Hargrave High School stands not just as a building, but as a symbol of Huffman Independent School District’s vision for the future of education. A vision where students are nurtured in a multifaceted environment that caters to every aspect of their development.

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