Gloria Del Lutheran Church

Nasau Bay, Texas

Additional Info:
Location: Nasau Bay, Texas
Completed: 3/31/2000
Square Feet: 40,000
Owner: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Architect: Ray & Hollington Architects

In the bustling environment of Nasau Bay, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church expanded its spiritual offerings by inaugurating a new worship center in March 2000. Spanning over 40,000 sq. ft., the expansive space, envisioned and brought to life by Ray & Hollington Architects, serves as a sanctuary for worship, reflection, and community gathering. Beyond the main worship area, the center boasts state-of-the-art support facilities, ensuring that congregants experience both spiritual fulfillment and comfort. The modern design complements the church’s vision of offering a welcoming and inclusive space for all members of the community.

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